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Mid Calder

An attractive, conservation village surrounded by beautiful countryside. Situated on a steep hill with views over the River Almond and Calder Wood, walkers can enjoy nature trail walks and some wildlife spotting in the Almondell and Calderwood Country parks.


Mid Calder was once one of Scotland’s most important thoroughfares serving cattle drovers from the Highlands who sold their cattle at markets in Crieff and Falkirk. The cattle was then bought and moved in droves along roads to England. Mid Calder was an essential crossroads for the herders and at its peak supported several public houses in the village.

1846 marked the arrival of the railways. This alternative transport could have seen the demise of the village but instead co-incided with the discovery of shale oil within the region which saw the world’s first oil boom, bringing prosperity and growth to the area.

In more recent times, the rapid growth of the modern, nearby Livingston has meant that Mid Calder and other such villages are desirable places to live.


What to see and do in Mid Calder

Situated on a steep hill with views over the River Almond and Calder Wood, walkers can enjoy nature trail walks and some wildlife spotting in the Almondell and Calderwood Country parks.

Visitors to the area should take time out to visit the beautiful Kirk of Calder with its stained glass windows, bell tower and plaques. Construction of the Church as we currently know it began in 1526 but it is thought that a church had existed on the site as early as 1150. Next to the Kirk of Calder is Calder House, a 16th century mansion.

Outdoor enthusiasts with a keen eye and steady hand should pay a visit to nearby Morton Clay Targets set within the nearby Dalmahoy Estate.

Local convenience stores and independent shops along with traditional pubs and restaurants cater to the local community and visitors.

Warm Scottish hospitality awaits those looking for accommodation at Redcraig Bed and Breakfast. There is an excellent selection of guest houses and hotels within the West Lothian area.

Things To Do


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